Friday, June 19, 2009

Best Polish Ever!!

This is Color Club Ultra Violet. Bad name. It needs a name like Supersonic Hypnotic.

I'm in love.

Look at that blue flash and the purple is light as a feather.

Check it out up close:

This is three coats and a coat of Seche Vite because it dries just slightly matte. Wow, wow, wow, this line of colors is amazing!! I also bought the blue and green! I just love how the color is heated, but the flash cools it down. It's like fried ice cream, like nuclear winter, like icy hot, like soothe your burning retinas!


  1. i really really like this color!

  2. I have to get this one. I thought I had it but don't looks fantastic on you. Love the blue shooting out.
